Safire quotes Word Spy; Manhattanization (San Francisco, 1969)

bapopik at AOL.COM bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Jun 19 05:46:47 UTC 2005

William Safire cites Paul McFedries Word Spy today. Is Word Spy still functioning? Does William Safire even know this?...Where is Katy Miller when you need her?
I implanted the noun knowbie earlier, which Paul McFedries's Web site, Word Spy, defines as ''a knowledgeable and experienced Internet user.'' It is based on newbie, a neophyte ''ignorant of Netiquette and other online proprieties,'' and already being replaced, according to, by debbie, ''someone newer than a newbie.'' 
There are scattered earlier references, but the San Francisco use appears to have started in June 1969. (The AP story is in several newspapers.) The newly digitized Oakland Tribune doesn't have it any earlier.
I'll rush right out and tell the Manhattan borough president that I've solved Manhattanization, Miss Manhattan, the Manhattan cocktail, and Manhattan clam chowder.
Manhattanization, n.
orig. and chiefly U.S. 
    The process of making or becoming similar in character or appearance to Manhattan. 
1974 Encycl. Brit. Macropædia XVI. 219/1 In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a great change, which has been described as the Manhattanization of San Francisco, became apparent. 1993 Times 25 May 17 The construction of the National Westminster and Canary Wharf towers suggests that the Manhattanization of London is proceeding apace.
Skyscrapers Soaring in San Francisco; A City of 40 Hills Concentration Encouraged 
The Washington Post, Times Herald (1959-1973). Washington, D.C.: Jun 29, 1969. p. 130 (1 page) :
SAN FRANCISCO (AP)--Skyscrapers are soaring into this city's famed hilly skyline despite attacks by critics on what they call "Manhattanization."
For four years they have watched with anxiety as 17 office buildings soard in the Montgomery street district of "Wall Street West."

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