
James Smith jsmithjamessmith at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jun 30 13:56:28 UTC 2005

The irony, if there is any, is naming a running shoe
after Lance, but that doesn't seem to be what he is
speaking of.

--- Jonathan Lighter <wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> Here's a paradigm case of  "ironically" used to mean
> "surprisingly" (or maybe even "actually"?)with no
> evident "irony" intended.
> Lance Armstrong was being interviewed on _Fox &
> Friends_ about the coming Tour de France and about a
> new Nike running shoe named after him.
> "And what is the meaning of this yellow stripe on
> the [side of the] shoe?"
> "Ironically, there are people who study color and
> what colors mean to people, and the yellow
> represents [the color of my jersey]."

James D. SMITH                 |If history teaches anything
South SLC, UT                  |it is that we will be sued
jsmithjamessmith at     |whether we act quickly and decisively
                               |or slowly and cautiously.

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