BULLOCKS - euph/typo/LA pron.?

Patty Davies patty at CRUZIO.COM
Wed May 4 16:33:16 UTC 2005

By coincidence, in this morning's paper there was a quote using
'bollixed'.  And semantics is even getting blamed here!  Here is the line:

Later, after UCSC police chief Mickey Aluffi said police used batons but
did not strike students, Irwin told the Sentinel that "semantics bollixed
up" her response.

Here is the link to the full article:


Patty Davies

At 08:16 AM 5/4/05, you wrote:
>I'm waiting for the Polish snack 'bzdura.' Tasty-sounding, eh?
>>>Snacks with "nonsense" names. A trend? Fiddle-faddle, poppycock. Others?
>>I'm awaiting the marketing of "Bullshit".  ("With a name like that,
>>it *has* to be good!")
>>>>My wife and kids, upon interrogation, said they know of the snack
>>>>Poppycock (which I, being totally ignorant of pop culture,  know
>>>>nothing of).  But they all knew the 'nonsense' meaning as well.
>>>>>>>  stalker at MSU.EDU 05/03/05 07:42PM >>>
>>>>Isn't there some kind of popcorn mix or candy named Poppycock?
>>>>Laurence Horn writes:
>>>>>>   > wuxxmupp2000 at YAHOO.COM 05/03/05 08:48AM >>
>>>>>>>  One might cf. "poppycock," app. < Dutch for "dried-up dung," now
>>>>>>> rare in
>>>>>>>  U.S.
>>>>>>   >spoken English but otherwise often thought of as old-frashioned,
>>>>>>  therefore stuffy, and >therefore virtually SE.
>>>>>>  "poppycock" rare in US spoken English?  Poppycock!! Use it all the
>>>>>>  time. But then again, maybe I'm the last holdout?
>>>>>>  Fritz J
>>>>>  Plus, isn't "papekak" soft dung/excrement rather than the dried-up
>>>>>  variety?  Any Dutch speakers on the list?
>>>>>  Larry
>>>>James C. Stalker
>>>>Department of English
>>>>Michigan State University

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