ADS-L old archives

Grant Barrett gbarrett at WORLDNEWYORK.ORG
Mon May 23 19:15:16 UTC 2005


The archives are posted to the web site. Google has only done a
partial indexing. We are waiting for it to finish; it can often take
more than one pass. There is a note on the archive page to that
effect. You can continue to post your grumpy comments to the list,
but that will not hurry the machines.

If Google for some reason fails to index the entire batch, I will
install some other indexing and searching solution, but as I said in
a previous post (which you prefer to ignore, like all other emails on
this topic, and the note about indexing currently on the web page,
because ignoring these things permits you to exist in your natural
kvetching state), I tried a bunch of tools but none of them were as
good as plain old Google.

You were not, by the way, ever promised by me that your emails would
be archived. It has always been recommended that you not rely on the
list as an archive of your work. It is not suited to that purpose.
Digital media are volatile, so if you want instant guaranteed access
to your own data, you should, like any scholar, organize and file
your own scholarly work in your own fashion. We'll persevere with the
digital archives, but they are what they are.

Grant Barrett
gbarrett at

On May 23, 2005, at 14:28, bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:

> When will the old ADS-L archives become available? It looks like
> they're available, but things I request (Canuck, Hoosier, Fun City,
> Democratic donkey, Republican elephant) don't turn up.
> ...
> I have to do my work all over again. This is not what I bargained
> for when I was told it would be archived.
> ...
> I know that Grant Barrett's busy, and that I should wait for an
> undetermined period of time (that sure worked well when I waited
> eight years for ADS member William Safire), but how many more years
> will it be until I can have my work?
> ...
> Barry Popik, between parking tickets as usual

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