"So long, and thanks for all the fish!"

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Wed Nov 16 01:47:26 UTC 2005

The Fulton Fish Market has moved to the Bronx. "So long, and thanks for all
the fish!" is a popular headline this week.
Does this come from Douglas Adams?
_Amazon.com: So Long, and Thanks for All  the Fish: Books: Douglas Adams_
Amazon.com: So Long, and Thanks for All the  Fish: Books: Douglas Adams by
www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/  tg/detail/-/0345391837?v=glance - 84k - _Cached_
8)  - _Similar pages_
_Hitchhiker rumor_
Supposedly, Adams is  wearily writing a fourth book, called "So Long, and
for  all the Fish". Can anyone confirm or deny this rumor ?  ...
_net.sf-lovers_ (http://groups.google.com/group/net.sf-lovers?lnk=sg)  - Oct
14  1983, 1:27 am by P... at CIT-20.ARPA@sri-unix.UUCP - 2 messages - 2 authors

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