lilypad strategy and sea-basing

Barnhart barnhart at HIGHLANDS.COM
Thu Sep 1 11:52:21 UTC 2005

Heard minutes ago on NPR and confirmed by Google News:

lily pad

Under a new model for more expeditionary fighting, the Army could use
these training areas as “lily pad” bases, giving soldiers deployed from
the United States a place to stop on their way to more remote locations.
Stars And Stripes (Google News), Aug. 7, 2005


Under a $200,000 subcontract, Mississippi State University engineers are
determining effective ways to launch the defensive missiles at sea.
"MSU's partnership in this effort will enhance our ability to offer the
Missile Defense Agency an effective KEI [kinetic-energy interceptor]
sea-basing capability to significantly increase the robustness of the
global-layered ballistic missile defense system," said Craig Staresinich,
KEI vice president and general manager of Northrop Grumman Mission
Systems. [Miss.] (Google News), Aug. 12, 2005

Regards to all in the new academic season,


barnhart at

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