Tiger Woods

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Sun Sep 4 02:43:50 UTC 2005

Oh, yes. I remember old Ferdinand Feghoot. There was the one in which
ole Ferd, a man of no prejudices whatsoever, was, nevertheless, forced
to demonstrate his supposed anti-Catholicsim vociferously. Joining the
mob rioting against the Church of Rome, he began to shout, "No
potpourri! No potpourr!"

I agree that the Feghoots appeared in F&SF, though, if memory serves,
they definitely began during the '50's and possibly also continued
into the '60's.

Does anyone recall Galaxy's series, "Origins of Intergalactic Slang"?
Of this I remember only "Kigmy: an expression of hostility from an
unexpected source."

-Wilson Gray

On 9/3/05, Mullins, Bill <Bill.Mullins at us.army.mil> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
> Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
> Poster:       "Mullins, Bill" <Bill.Mullins at US.ARMY.MIL>
> Subject:      Re: Tiger Woods
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I believe the Feghoots were in Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, =
> not Analog/Astounding.  An archive is here at:
> =20
> http://www.awpi.com/Combs/Shaggy/
> >I think this series (at least some of them) are from the (Adventures =
> of?)
> >Ferdinand Feghoot series in Astounding/Analog Science Fiction magazine,
> >probably mid 60s to mid 70s.Dave Hause, dwhause at jobe.net
> >Ft. Leonard Wood, MO

-Wilson Gray

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