More on 'ghetto' as verb like 'hack'

Erik Hoover grinchy at GRINCHY.COM
Tue Jan 10 15:37:11 UTC 2006

to 'ghetto rig'

The early usages I see resemble 'hack', with implications both of
improvisation and shoddiness.

z.b. -
"You have to send the darned thing away to China or something to get
someone to ghetto rig your Station to play Japanese versions of games."
(Oldest Usenet posting result for "ghetto rig" from Google groups,
November 1997)

ano. ex. -

"If you try to ghetto-rig a turbo up on the car w/o precautions,
you will blow the motor."
(Usenet, March 1999)

Mandatory Google Trivia:

about 654 for "ghetto rigged"
about 1,900 for "ghetto rigging"
about 1,190 for "to ghetto rig"
about 4,260 for "ghetto rig it|one"

side notes:

When did 'guerilla' start to be used in a non-military sense connoting
improvisation with commonplace materials?
Does this usage predate 'guerilla theater'?
How far back can we date 'guerilla theater'?
Does it arise with the SF Mime Troupe?

Thank you.  I'll take my answers off the air.


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