eggcorn: "wisened"

Mark A. Mandel mamandel at LDC.UPENN.EDU
Tue Jun 27 14:27:35 UTC 2006

scripsit wisenheimer arnold:


        [with respect to my citation]
>> Or even an older, wisened Dragonlord might hold back and not attack
>> immediately.

        [...] a glance at
googled-up stuff shows fairly frequent uses of "wisen" as an
inchoative or causative derived from "wise" ('become wise' or 'make
wise'), though these usages seem not to have made it into any of the
dictionaries i have to hand.

a fair number of the cites (like mark mandel's above) can be seen as
possibly involving both a 'dried up' *and* a 'made wise' sense of


Fair cop. But in the context of the discussion that was going on, 'dried up'
doesn't particularly apply, and 'made wise' definitely does. Note especially
here the similarity to "older and/but wiser".

-- Mark A. Mandel, proprietor, Cracks and Shards
   a Steven Brust fan website

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