"Oatmeal Cookie" (1884) & the official cookie of Connecticut

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Tue Mar 7 17:56:12 UTC 2006

The chocolate oatmeal cookie may be the official cookie of Connecticut. Is
it really so regional? Did the "oatmeal cookie" originate in Pennsylvania, not
Connecticut? I just thought I/we could help the legislators out on this  one.
No need for Larry and Fred to eat the wrong things.

"After all, the bill designating the chocolate oatmeal drop cookie will be
just as delectable" next year, she said. "Other things, like bills dealing with
 state spending and taxing, cannot wait."

But Sen. Don DeFronzo, D-New  Britain, and Rep. Christopher Caruso,
D-Bridgeport, co-chairmen of the  Government Administration and Elections Committee,
said the state cookie bill  and others like it help to engage children in the
democratic process.

"Rep. Caruso and I both feel that this is a very worthwhile exercise for
young students to come up here," DeFronzo said.

Designating a state  cookie would not be unprecedented. New Mexico has
biscochitos, and chocolate  chip is the state cookie of both Massachusetts and
Pennsylvania. Massachusetts  also has a state muffin, the corn muffin, and a state
dessert, Boston cream pie.

The oatmeal chocolate drop cookie was the brain child of sixth-graders
studying civics at St. Mary's School in Simsbury, who came up with three  different
variations and then asked their classmates to vote.

It's  described in the bill as a cookie made from chocolate, oats, flour,
eggs,  butter, sugar and nutmeg. (For the record, though Connecticut is the
nutmeg  state and the state cantata is "The Nutmeg," no one has yet designated
nutmeg as  the state spice.)
The Ladies' Home Journal and Practical Housekeeper  (1884-1889).
Philadelphia: Oct 1884. Vol. VOL. I,, Iss. NO. 11.; p. 5 (1  page)
Oatmeal cookies and oatmeal ginger cookies are highly recommended for the
children's luncheon.
     _The Bucks County Gazette_
_Thursday,  August 28, 1884_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search="oatmeal+cookies"+AND+date:1884-08-28)  _Bristol,_
:1759-1890)   _Pennsylvania_
(http://www.newspaperarchive.com/Search.aspx?Search="oatmeal+cookies"+AND+stateid:77+AND+range:1759-1890)   ...They are
especially pretty for brass lamps. OATMEAL COOKIES combine  many good qualities,
... ..

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