POSH Redefined

Doug Harris cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET
Wed Apr 18 19:45:18 UTC 2007

While there are numerous (more or less humorous) references
to the use of language in the UK today in the article to
which the following link points, I would nominate this extracted
sentence as not only one of the most unlikely statements you're
likely to read this week (!) but also as a preface to what could
be the new definition of POSH: Push Off, Silly Heathen.
(While that definition is mine, but it's more or less inferred in
the article.)

The sentence: "I cannot imagine myself trying to explain to [the queen] what
chewing gum is, or why one should do it, but I am confident that she would
not be impressed or persuaded by any arguments in its favor."

The article (in today's LA Times):

(The article revolves around supposed issues why poor Prince William is,
for the moment, girl friend-challenged.)
(the other) doug

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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