The earth v. Earth

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Fri Aug 10 02:42:14 UTC 2007

>Of course, I'm abstracting away from the fact that any noun or
>adjective in English can be made proper and, therefore, require
>capitalization, as is the case with Tarzan's son, Boy. OTOH, cf,
>German, in which every noun is capitalized. There's nothing intrinsic
>about this sort of thing.
The fastidious French, on the other hand, honor a proper noun by removing
its capital when it has become so well-incorporated into French life that
it is recognized as a fully-fledged French word.  American mfrs, with their
jealous  & zealous protection of their precious brand names might be
comforted by adopting the French attitude when some miscreant uses, e.g.,
"kleenex" w/out cap or .

~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>

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