Slave names

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Mon Dec 24 15:15:36 UTC 2007

In 1855, Massachusetts passed a law "to prohibit racial or religious
distinctions in admitting students to any public
school."    Segregationists "expressed deep concern over this
possible precedent. 'Now the blood of the Winthrops, the Otises, the
Lymans, the Endicotts, and the Eliots, is in a fair way to be
amalgamated with the Sambos, the Catos, and the Pompeys,' the New
York _Herald_ declared."  [Litwack, _North of Slavery_ (1961), p.
149-150; the _Herald_ reprinted (I conclude from Litwack's footnote)
in _The Liberator_, May 4, 1855.]


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