
FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Wed Feb 21 16:02:35 UTC 2007

Here is part of an email from a colleague introducing herself to the

After high school, I moved to San Francisco for a few years. Yes, it
was the 1960's and I  took up residence in The Haight - Ashbury
District. Here's a little tidbit that you may enjoy. The name "hippies"
was actually glommed on to by the press that used to visit the area all
the time. Us residents would watch all the young kids come into the
Haight all decked out in their jeans and beads and whatever they felt
would allow them to "fit in" to the scene. They often came in driving
their parents fancy cars or family station wagons. We used to refer to
them as "hippies" - now a days I guess we would have called them
"wannabes".  When the newspapers heard that name, it stuck to everyone -
including us! We all had a good laugh about it.

Fritz J

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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