today's bizarre find

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Sun Jun 10 18:55:14 UTC 2007

>while looking for something else, i came across a fair number of
>examples of a (non-standard) construction which i don't recall having
>seen before -- and which baffles me.  the examples all have a
>embedded interrogative clause in which predicative "how" + Adj has
>been fronted.  not problematic.  but these examples have an extra
>indefinite article preceding "how" + Adj, and that's bizarre.
>for each example, i've given a version of the embedded clause with
>the predicative (in parentheses) in situ.  in the first set, the
>subject NP that follows the fronted predicative begins with "a(n)",
>which makes the examples look similar to exceptional degree
>modification -- but the phenomena are, i think, not at all related,
>and there are plenty of examples (in the second set below) where the
>subject begins with something other than "a(n)".
>i haven't looked at other types of interrogatives, or adjectives
>other than "big" (though i'd assume that the particular adjective
>involved is irrelevant).
>the question is: where does that initial "a(n)" come from, and what
>is it doing?
>a how good a N
>I am siting here thinking about a how good a donut would be right
>now. Thanks for making me laugh.
>[a donut would be (Deg good)]
>Also, an interesting place to bring visitors to London because it's
>such a great example of a how good a gastropub can be.
>[a gastropub would be (Deg good)]
>Although I would prefer that most judgements be objective, part of a
>how good a photograph is, quite simply, how much it gives to the veiwer.
>[a photograph is (Deg good)]
>Once we find a how good a particular grasp is, we can then compare
>among a. number of grasps and choose one that is the best.
>[a particular grasp is (Deg good)]
>It is easy to forget a how good a hand you have in a serious poker
>game. In a five card hand without wild or drop cards the odds of any
>winning hand on your ...
>[a hand you have in a serious poker game is (Deg good)]
>a how good N
>It doesnít matter a how good your GPU and CPU isóit all comes down to
>packet-sizes, bandwidth, and how you deal with both.
>[your GPU and CPU is (Deg good)]
>This relative measure, however, must be backed up by a second gauge,
>a gauge that gives us an idea of a how good the overall education is.
>[the overall education is (Deg good)]
>So it sort of levels out to being a how good at email networking are
>you out of 10. Ahem.
>[you are (Deg good at email networking) out of 10]
>If there is a silver lining to all of this at least those silly pig
>guys have helped draw some attention to a how good breastfeeding is.
>[breastfeeding is (Deg good)]
Some, but certainly not all, of these suggest the sort of strange syntax
that we occasionally create entirely unintentionally, by  making use of the
cut-&-paste feature of our word programs.  Hasty rereading often overlooks
oddities since we see what we expect to see.

(OTOH maybe these are the lost /a/s  from the offspring my keyboard, taken
flight from my writing & settling down in the company of /how/s. I usually
find half a dozen absent from any page I write. )

~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>   ~@:>

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