Another kind of buddy

Chris F Waigl chris at LASCRIBE.NET
Wed Jun 13 14:43:55 UTC 2007

Landau, James wrote:
> [...]
> Therefore for a woman to refer to a male lover as a "fuck buddy" is odd,
> since women do not generally refer to male friends as "buddies".
> Equally odd for a man (or for that matter a woman) to refer to a female
> lover as a "fuck buddy".  Hence the presence of the word "buddy" implies
> a male-to-male relationship, with the f-word specifying it is a sexual
> relationship.

I hear "buddy" all the time from women to refer to male friends; or
female friends for that matter. Also, "mate". But I live in the UK.
(Personally, I don't use "buddy" except in the IM sense, but use "mate"
without getting strange reactions. )

Chris Waigl

The American Dialect Society -

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