
Doug Harris cats22 at FRONTIERNET.NET
Fri Sep 21 13:15:32 UTC 2007

Was that, perhaps, a delayed reaction to some surgery he's undergone?
(like to boy from York, England).
(the other) Doug

Old Yorkshire saying:
"There's nowt so queer as folk."

================   ================ ===================  ================
Poster:       Charles Doyle <cdoyle at UGA.EDU>
Subject:      Bush
I didn't watch or listen to the president's press conference yesterday (I'm
not a masochist!). But late last night I heard a commentator on CNBC talking
about it. He noted that, at one particularly tense moment, Bush lost his
infamous emulation of TexSpeak and reverted to his native New England
dialect. I wonder what details the commentator was observing, phonologically

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