Humorous disease names (UNCLASSIFIED)

James Harbeck jharbeck at SYMPATICO.CA
Thu Jun 5 00:39:09 UTC 2008

>Also featured in that episode were Count Choculitis, Hot Dog Finger, and
>inverted penis.

Oh, "the condition known as hot dog fingers" -- I know that one from
a long list of horrifying side effects in a spoof drug ad from an
e-trade commercial from about six years ago, "Nozulla" (see "Head of a golden
retriever," "gigantic eyeball" and "possession by the prince of
darkness" are a couple of others. None of them quite match up to a
real (though rare) side effect of certain antibiotics, however:
"black hairy tongue." I am not making this up. No, the antibiotic is
not Jack Daniel's 750 mL qid.

James Harbeck.

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