Folk etymology definition

Scot LaFaive scotlafaive at GMAIL.COM
Fri Mar 7 14:54:36 UTC 2008

Reading through the "Did you know?" section of the MW word of the day email,
I came across this:

"...a process called folk etymology, in which a word of another language is
transformed to a more familiar-sounding term..."

I've never heard folk etymology defined as such and it seems completely
wrong from what I've always been taught and read. Is there some hidden
definition that I've never heard of before or is Merriam Webster shoveling


BTW, here's the full section:

"The Chinook of the Pacific Northwest were avid traders, and in the course
of their history a trade language developed that came to be known as Chinook
jargon, based on a combination of Chinook and other American Indian
languages with English and French. The Chinook jargon term "hayo makamak"
meant "plenty to eat." By a process called folk etymology, in which a word
of another language is transformed to a more familiar-sounding term, "hayo"
was identified with "high" and the spelling and meaning of the entire phrase
was transformed. Beginning in the 19th century, the term "high-muck-a-muck"
referred to a self-important person. Since then, the expression has taken on
several variations, including "high mucky-muck" and "high-muckety-muck," and
nowadays the "high" is often dispensed with entirely."

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