Language death in song

Mark Mandel thnidu at GMAIL.COM
Sat Mar 15 19:02:59 UTC 2008

A friend of mine told on her
blog<>of how she was walking
down the street in San Francisco singing a song
written by some friends of hers, which "sings to the pain of language,
culture, and a people lost", when ...

as I was turning off of Market Street, blithely sallying on by, a man
grabbed my arm. To quote this unexpected participant in my day:

"I am so sorry, I really didn't mean to, I'm not trying to -- IS THAT ABOUT


Turns out the gentleman is a professor of linguistics at a local college,
and has been using that story in his classes for years now. So today, in my
capacity as walking billboard, I sold a copy of an album that hasn't even
been released yet.

The song lyrics, for anyone interested, are
"The album is unfortunately not available yet; it'll be released in April.
It will be available through CDBaby -- look for it under the title
'Thirteen' or the artist name 'Vixy and Tony'."

(Posted by permission.)

Mark Mandel

The American Dialect Society -

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