Eggcorn? "warn" > "worn"

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Feb 10 16:06:17 UTC 2009

At 10:16 AM -0500 2/10/09, David Bowie wrote:
>From:    Tom Zurinskas <truespel at HOTMAIL.COM>
>>The European community met in 1987 to come up with an alternative to
>>the IPA phonetic notation because it was not computer friendly.  They
>>came up with SAMPA which has been modified to XSAMPA.  Neither of
>>which are English friendly nor actually computer friendly.  Try this
>>- Copy paste the word "international" in IPA notation here.
>Whose pronunciation? Also, as email clients become Unicode-friendly, IPA
>being computer-unfriendly becomes less and less of an issue--but even if
>you want to insist on ASCII representations, there are at least two
>relatively widely used methods of representing IPA symbols using ASCII
>characters, one rather more simple and the other more precise but (IMO
>overly) complex.

One of which (the simple one) I'm currently adapting for use by a
blind student in my Words class who can handle e-mail but doesn't
have access to the IPA symbols (or .pdf representations in general)
and can't "read" charts.


>>Who in USA uses IPA or SAMPA for kids for English phonetics
>>instruction?  I pity the poor kids.  Truespel can be used for kids.
>>The English speaking world suffers for lack of a reasonable phonetic
>>spelling standard.
>Please present evidence (non-anecdotal evidence, please) that Truespel
>works well
><pause />
>Yeah, i know--i promised some time ago not to respond. Moment of weakness.
>David Bowie                               University of Central Florida
>     Jeanne's Two Laws of Chocolate: If there is no chocolate in the
>     house, there is too little; some must be purchased. If there is
>     chocolate in the house, there is too much; it must be consumed.
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