non-ASCII characters in OED

Michael Quinion wordseditor at WORLDWIDEWORDS.ORG
Wed Feb 25 18:32:47 UTC 2009

Mark Mandel wrote:

> **When I copy an etymology from OED Online and paste it into my notes,
> nonstandard and accented characters come out as abbreviated symbolic names
> in braces, like this
>    medit{amac}r{imac}
> for what I see as "meditari" with macrons over the third and fourth vowels.
> I was going to write a Perl script to convert these to Unicode, but it
> occurred to me to ask here if something like that already exists, or if
> there's an easier way. I'm probably failing an RTFM roll, but wotthehell.

I've done this, but using an Access Basic table and script. If you'd like
to see a plain-text version of the table (which comprises the OED codes
and their Unicode equivalents) or the script, do e-mail me.

Michael Quinion
Editor, World Wide Words
E-mail: wordseditor at

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