antedating "scalawag" 1844

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Fri Feb 27 16:21:26 UTC 2009

OED  has 1848
scallywag, scallawag
{Origin obscure]

America's Historical Newspapers
Headline: Vermont Gazette. Bennington, Tuesday November 26, 1841 [error for
1844?]; Article Type: News/Opinion
Paper: Vermont Gazette; Date: 11-26-1844; Volume: 15; Issue: 48; Page: [2];
Location: Bennington, Vermont "All the Decency"

As the procession passed they were insulted...denouncing the democrats as a
"gang of ragmuffins," a "loco foco rabble," a "band of scalawags," "Irish
vagabonds," "poor loafers," "drunken rowdies,"....

Stephen Goranson

The American Dialect Society -

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