"It's _away_ better than fast food! It's Wendy's!" [NT}

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Jul 22 19:00:13 UTC 2009

At 2:48 PM -0400 7/22/09, Wilson Gray wrote:
>I see your point, Ben. Please accept my apologies for giving you
>attitude. It didn't occur to me that anyone would try to hear the
>commercial for himself, believe it or not! My head was in a completely
>different space, totally self-centered space. It seems to me that
>expressions like "way better" and "most everybody" were once "away
>better" and "almost everybody." There are plenty of examples still to
>be heard of people of all races, creeds, colors, sexual orientations,
>and previous conditions of servitude who say "almost everything."

Read: 'who say "most everything" for "almost everything".'  (I assume.)


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