"could care less"

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Tue May 26 19:24:20 UTC 2009

At 5/26/2009 02:16 PM, Alison Murie wrote:
>My mail program shades in all the listings on the log with the same
>subject as the one selected ( I keep my  log chronologically).  I was
>startled to notice that for several days it treated "could care less"
>and "can do so much" as the same subject as if it was correcting the
>posters.  It was the same subject at one point, but I didn't find
>"could care..."(was "can do...").  Whatever it was that triggered this
>seems to have worn out .  At any rate the"can do"'s don't show up
>shaded any more.

Either it can't do no more, or it could care less.


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