"Authentic pronunciation" (UNCLASSIFIED)

Wilson Gray hwgray at GMAIL.COM
Tue Oct 5 20:48:32 UTC 2010

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Mullins, Bill AMRDEC
<Bill.Mullins at us.army.mil> wrote:
> I've got relatives in East Tennessee who would say
> "Aint Judy". Â I've had acquaintances from Memphis who would say (in
> AAVE) "Ont Judy" (probably short for on-TEE).

I have relatives in East Texas who would say "Aint [Name]."

"_T_ for Texas, _T_ for Tennessee," as the old blues line-filler goes.

I use BE "Ont [Name]," but, FWIW - IMO, this is a mere question of
"different strokes" - I think that "auntie," pronounced "ON-tee,
AN-tee, eynih," is just the ordinary diminutive of "aunt." As it
happens, I've never heard "EYN-tih" aut sim., but I don't care to
claim that it's non-occurrent. I may very well have heard it and not
noticed it. Doesn't anybody be monitoring every word of every
conversation all the time..

My full brother, whom I've known since I was about eighteen months old
and with whom I was in contact 24/7/365 or -6 till we were in our
twenties, often catches my attention because he uses "ant." "Ant"?!
WTF?! How'd *that* happen?

Another mystery is that he says "million" as [mI at lj@n], whereas I say
[mILjIn]. I consider either pronunciation to be standard. The mystery
is why he's chosen to disrespect his elder brother by using different
pronunciations. ;-)

You know, I have to say, I've been reading, since at least the Pei day
<har! har!>, that black people pretty generally use "ont" instead of
"ant." I've tried not to bother myself about this, since I prefer to
use "ont." However, over my lifetime, it's been my personal experience
that "ant," usually Southernized as "aint," is really *not* noticeably
less-common than "ont."

OTOH, IME, I've almost never heard "ont" used by white people. My WAG
is that, because "ont" is so rare in white speech, it  *seems* to
white researchers that BE-speakers are big "ont"-users, when the fact
of the matter is that "ont"/"ant" is more like
"EH-conomic"/"EE-conomic" than like 75% "ont"/25% "ant" or some such.

Of course, I'm only the merest dabbler in this field and I realize
that there may well be strong evidence that I'm not aware of, because
I'm not even well-read - I was truly *astounded* to discover, as I
flipped through it, that Skeats's "English Dialects" was *not* about
American English; it was a real W.T.F.?!!! moment  - let alone
formally-trained, in dialectology, that makes hash of my impression.

All say, "How hard it is that we have to die!"––a strange complaint to
come from the mouths of people who have had to live.
–Mark Twain

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