OT, but perhaps interesting

Robin Hamilton robin.hamilton3 at VIRGINMEDIA.COM
Sat Sep 18 21:45:23 UTC 2010

From: "Wilson Gray" <hwgray at GMAIL.COM>

> Subject:      OT, but perhaps interesting

> A example  of seemingly-spontaneous "folk-poetry" (in quotes because I
> have no real idea whether this qualifies for that definition).
> Twenty-ish, Southern, black male speaker of the usual type of "guests"
> on the Jerry Springer Show:
> "Don't leave me, baby!
> You the Red Bull of my soul!
> You give my heart wings!"

It's a bloody *found haiku*, Wilson!

(5-7-5 -- I counted.  Three distinct statements, with the final line
obliquely synthesizing the preceding two.)

That kid's got talent.


> The slogan of the so-called "energy drink," Red Bull, is
> "Red Bull gives you wings!"
> Since my wife was unaware of this, therefore not seeing why I
> considered the above worth posting, I thought that I'd better mention
> that, just in case.
> --
> -Wilson

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