Ticker Tape and Ticker Tape Parade

Joel S. Berson Berson at ATT.NET
Wed Nov 2 03:28:59 UTC 2011

At 10/31/2011 04:48 PM, Mullins, Bill AMRDEC wrote:
>Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>Caveats: NONE
>The Statue of Liberty had its 125th anniversary this weekend.  The
>National Park Service (among others) says that the dedication of the
>statue on 28 Oct 1886 was the occasion of the first ticker tape parade.
>OED has 1902 for "ticker tape" (entry under "tape"), and no entry for
>"ticker tape parade."

The parade is under 3., Special Comb., in a quotation from 1972.


>10/21/1884 _NYTimes_ p 2 col 2
>"They were loudly cheered as they advanced up Broadstreet, and were
>showered with "ticker" tape from the various brokers' offices."
>10/15/1928 _Washington Post_ p 2 col 4
>[headline] "Mayor Walker's Envoy Will Meet Zeppelin in Air-Approach to
>City on the Macom, and Ticker Tape Parade Up Broadway on Program."
>Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
>Caveats: NONE
>The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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