We're all Keynesians now -- ("Ich bin ein Berliner")

Cohen, Gerald Leonard gcohen at MST.EDU
Wed Nov 30 23:51:09 UTC 2011

I assume this is a joke.  If not, I'll dig out Reinhold Aman's article in which he (in his inimitable Reinhold Aman style)
rebuts the jelly-doughnut-myth.
Gerald Cohen

Message from James A. Landau (JJJRLandau at netscape.com), Wed 11/30/2011 9:22 AM:

And who can forget President Kennedy's immortal line in a speech he gave in West Berlin:

"I am a jelly doughnut"

    - Jim Landau

The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org

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