Sacrifice = opportunity cost

Benjamin Barrett gogaku at IX.NETCOM.COM
Wed Aug 1 08:44:51 UTC 2012

My partner (Japanese native) pointed out today that the use by Olympians of the word "sacrifice" is odd. I had trouble fingering his objection, but then he pointed out that what they are calling sacrifices are choices not sacrifices.

The OED seems to be outdated. The closest is: " The destruction or surrender of something valued or desired for the sake of something having, or regarded as having, a higher or a more pressing claim; the loss entailed by devotion to some other interest; also, the thing so devoted or surrendered."

The AHD ( says: "Forfeiture of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value or claim." 

Olympians and athletes in general certainly do give up a lot in their pursuit of athletics, but this seems to be less lofty: opportunity cost; the giving up of something in the pursuit of something else (more highly valued).

Benjamin Barrett
Seattle, WA
The American Dialect Society -

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