Coining of a new "English" word

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at STANFORD.EDU
Sun Feb 12 15:05:01 UTC 2012

On Feb 11, 2012, at 10:35 PM, Wilson Gray wrote:
> Prieniseiskaia Sibir' kak _lingvoregion_ : materialy II Mezhvuzovskoi
> nauchno-prakticheskoi Internet-konferentsii, Krasnoiarsk,
> noiabr'-dekabr' 2010 goda by ...

> The Yenisei Region of Siberia as a _Linguoregion_: Materials from the
> Second Joint Internet Conference on Scientific Practice in Schools of
> Education. Krasnoyarsk, November-December, 2010

apparently an innovative synonym for the borrowed German term _Sprachbund_, which is also known by the standard technical term _linguistic area_ in English.  or maybe it's being introduced as new technical term in *Russian*, framed as a Latin-based (or English-based) term -- given that other words in Russian for 'area' or 'region' tend to suggest administrative or political areas/regions.

Trubetzkoy introduced the term _yazykovoy soyuz_ 'language union' as a Russian calque on _Sprachbund_, but i don't know what terms are current among Russian-speaking linguists for the concept.


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