"What part of X don't you understand?"

Arnold Zwicky zwicky at STANFORD.EDU
Wed Jul 4 18:14:17 UTC 2012

On Jul 4, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Larry Horn wrote:

> The New Yorker cartoon makes me think that there must be a T-shirt somewhere for epistemologists, featuring perhaps a portrait of Plato or Russell, over the legend "What part of KNOW don't you understand?"  Wait, let me check∑aha:
> Not a T-shirt, perhaps, but a journal article--
> Brown, Deborah (2005).  What part of "know" don't you understand?  _The Monist_ 88:1.

There are t-shirts (but not, I think, with Plato or Russell). Plus a nice photo of a teacher with a class:


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