1947 citing in Archie Comic of "butthole." What did it mean? (UNCLASSIFIED)

W Brewer brewerwa at GMAIL.COM
Thu May 10 07:07:20 UTC 2012

Dear Sherlocks, Noseeum end to this. (Noseeum = the singular of nausea?) A
noseeum argument places a heavy burden of proof on the data miners. (If we
cannot get our hands on a representative sample of extraterrestrials, ergo
none can exist anywhere in the universe.) Another tack would be to do an
extensive survey of Betty?s idiolect in the comics, to try to discover
exactly what she meant by the word <prime>. It is also a crux in the
puzzle. It obviously means <first> (having the highest quality or value).
Hypothesis #794 proposes that Archie plays on a culinary sense (prime cut
of meat (for me the default meaning)), sarcastically implying that the
ushering job was sometimes <offal>(awful). Q: Was Betty prone to culinary
metaphors (as Jughead clearly was [was Montana?])?

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