Antedating of "Puritan"

Shapiro, Fred fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Sat Oct 5 01:16:29 UTC 2013

Puritan (OED3 1572)

1565 Thomas Stapleton _A Fortresse of the Faith_ 134v  We know to weare in the church holy vestements, and to be apparailled priestlike semeth so absurde to the Puritans off our countre, to the zelous gospellers of Geneva, that they resist herein not only the lawes and ordonnances of the church stubbornly, which S. Paul biddeth them obey and submit them selves unto, but also they withstand disobediently the commaundement of their Soverain and Liege princesse, unto whom also the Apostle chargeth them to be subject and obedient.

Fred Shapiro

The American Dialect Society -

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