Antedating of "sheesh" [1955]

Bonnie Taylor-Blake b.taylorblake at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jun 12 14:00:31 UTC 2014

The OED gives as its earliest example of "sheesh" usage one from
October, 1959.  Here are a couple earlier ones, both with links to
Jackie Gleason and Art Carney.  (It occurs to me that those of you
with access to Variety's digital archives and similar may well do
better on this.)

-- Bonnie

For instance, the line I say so often -- "Sheesh, what a grouch!" --
is one that Jackie [Gleason] gave me.  Some others -- like
"Va-va-va-voom" -- I made up myself, and he told me to keep it in.
[From Art Carney (as told to Dick Kleiner), "Here's How Jackie Looks
to Art Carney," The Rhinelander (WI) Daily News, 31 May 1955, p. 4.]

[Art] Carney's "Sheesh, what a grouch!" and "Va va va voom!"
accompanied by his inimitable facial expressions and comical hand
motions are similarly a nationwide vogue.  [From Gordon Kotecki,
"Studio Briefs: Foster Takes You to the Ball Game," The Oakland
Tribune, 28 August 1955, p. B-3.]

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