Slang a la the NYT

Ben Zimmer bgzimmer at GMAIL.COM
Sun Oct 5 14:45:41 UTC 2014

Also, Kory is a she. I highly recommend her blog on lexicography,
Harmless Drudgery.

I cited it when I had the opportunity to opine on matters
lexicographical for the NYT op/ed section.

On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 10:22 AM, Dave Wilton <dave at> wrote:
> I don't see any problem with Stamper's article. It's basically just a
> piece that highlights the problem of the recency illusion, i.e., just
> because a term is in vogue, doesn't mean it's new. I haven't checked her
> specific claims, but none of Stamper's examples seem wrong on their
> face.
> And in this case, the op-ed is written by a real lexicographer, someone
> with training and expertise in the field, not by some journalist who
> half remembers some lesson his eighth-grade English teacher taught him.
> As far as newspaper articles that address language go, this is one of
> the better ones.
> On Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 3:52 AM, Wilson Gray <hwgray at> wrote:
>> [T]he word "dude" predates the Dude of
>> "The Big Lebowski" fame by over 100 years.
>> It does?! For real?!!!
>> Lest anyone waste his running it down to me, no, I'm not serious. I'm
>> annoyed that someone can simply pull bullshit out his ass and get it
>> published in the NYT, even when it has nothing to do with politics.
>> Youneverknow.

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