[Ads-l] beltway

Peter Reitan pjreitan at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon Nov 13 06:57:34 UTC 2017

From: ADSGarson O'Toole<mailto:adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM>
Sent: ‎11/‎12/‎2017 22:15
Subject: Re: beltway

---------------------- Information from the mail header -----------------------
Sender:       American Dialect Society <ADS-L at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU>
Poster:       ADSGarson O'Toole <adsgarsonotoole at GMAIL.COM>
Subject:      Re: beltway

Bill Mullins wrote:
> The new releases for the OED in September included "beltway", as in the
> highway loop that surrounds Washington DC.
> OED has 6 Aug 1951 for the term.
> This can be antedated by one day (at least).
> Washington DC _Evening Star_ 5 Aug 1951 p A2 col 1
> "The proposed beltway would connect Route 1 on the Southwest with Route
> 40 on the West, Route 140 on the Northwest, Route 111 on the North and
> Route 1 and Route 40 on the Northeast."

Nice work, Bill. Here is an instance in 1949. Beltway appears in the
headline and body.

Date: November 18, 1949
Newspaper: The Baltimore Sun
Newspaper Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Article: County Maps New Beltway
Artcicle Subtitle: Reports on Preliminary Plan to Relieve Traffic
Quote Page 25, Column 5
Database: Newspapers.com


[Begin excerpt]
Mapping a proposed beltway around the city, the Baltimore county
Planning Commission made public yesterday a preliminary plan to
relieve "hardening of the traffic arteries" in the metropolitan area.
. . .

The circumferential beltway would connect with the Governor Ritchie
highway in Anne Arundel county and with an interchange at the
Baltimore-Washington expressway now under construction.
[End excerpt]


> "inside the beltway" OED has 1982
> Washington DC _Evening Star_ 30 Nov 1980 p C2 col 3
> "Inside the beltway, cutting out the perks wasn't popular, but in the
> rest of the country, it played very well.  It was part of the Carter
> image we wanted to portray."
> ---
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