[Ads-l] "pandemic", v.

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Tue Aug 4 17:41:10 UTC 2020

Two meanings.  One is ‘to be confined by the pandemic’ or ‘to spend the pandemic’

“As new information comes in, we update our priors all the time,” said Susan Holmes, a Stanford statistician, via unstable internet from rural Portugal, where she unexpectedly pandemicked for 105 days, while visiting her mother.

That inspired me to google “pandemicked”, since the past tense or participle would eliminate the much more prevalent noun lemma.  And that’s where the other meaning of “pandemicked” comes in: 
‘To be canceled or otherwise affected by the pandemic’
As in “What to do if your wedding has been pandemicked”

I’m not sure how frequent this meaning of “pandemic” as a transitive verb would be, since the only plausible subject would be the pandemic itself.  Maybe “Covid-19 pandemicked my school”?


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