[Ads-l] misc. minor: no-name game, keep-away, salugi, cowabunga

Stephen Goranson goranson at DUKE.EDU
Sun Feb 2 13:57:52 UTC 2020


An undescribed 1934 "game of no-name" [1]

A probably antedatable 1954 "game of 'keep-away'" [2]

Before I learned that NYC was nearly a saluki-free zone (joke, no saluki in the middle, that would be cruel, wait, forget about it), I did find that one person spelling saluki as salugi was Cyrus H. Gordon (1908-2001), who knew a thing or two about the relevant languages. As also here [3]. And, maybe fun fact which I have not confirmed, in Islamic texts, the salugi is not classed, negatively, along with dogs.

A librarian at the Queensland State Library, skilled and helpful, put me hep to Cowabunga, which, I'm informed, is more often and more properly spelled Cowabunya. All irrelevant to the Howdy Doody show; mere odd coincidence. The -bunya suffix "refers to the place of the bunya tree or nut" in some Aboriginal languages. The Tagalaka people live in the area, and more than one language was there, some now extinct or nearly so. This is dry pastoral land, not a town, south of Croydon, Queensland, so not on the coast. I hope I conveyed that correctly, as I know none of this first-hand. Thanks to her!


[1] https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/doc?p=EANX&sort=YMD_date%3AA&f=advanced&val-base-0=game&fld-base-0=ocrtext&bln-base-1=and&val-base-1=%22of%20keep-away%22&fld-base-1=ocrtext&docref=image/v2%3A114CF48AE24B9638%40EANX-15BF00FF4A3E8C00%402427655-15BD5FC6474DDB8A%408-15BD5FC6474DDB8A%40&firsthit=yes

[2] https://infoweb.newsbank.com/apps/readex/results?p=EANX&f=advanced&sort=YMD_date%3AA&val-base-0=%22game%20of%20keep-away%22&fld-base-0=ocrtext&bln-base-1=and&val-base-1=1954&fld-base-1=YMD_date&bln-base-2=and&val-base-2=game&fld-base-2=ocrtext

[3] https://books.google.com/books?id=gD8ZAAAAYAAJ&pg=PA843&dq=%22new+york%22+salugi+OR+saloogi+OR+saloggi&hl=en&ppis=_c&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMmrGinKbnAhXkY98KHYlPB5MQ6AEwBXoECAkQAg#v=onepage&q=%22new%20york%22%20salugi%20OR%20saloogi%20OR%20saloggi&f=false

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