<HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=2>As I recall, "shitepoke" was in OED since the
<BR>14th Century. Compounded of <U>shite</U>-, "shit;"
<BR>and -<U>poke</U>, "bag." Usually referred to the blue
<BR>heron or a bittern.....(a satirical Boston broadside
<BR>of the early 1770's likened British troops disem-
<BR>barking to "shitepokes....running to and fro on the
<BR>Most people I talked to, in various parts of the country,
<BR>knew it as a bird-name. One man told me tongue-in-
<BR>cheek that the name came from the bird's habit of
<BR>"defecating when flushed."
<BR>Those who'd heard it applied to people generally found
<BR>the origin of the term in the fact that a "shitepoke" ma-
<BR>lingered, especially by spending inordinate amounts of
<BR>time in the bathroom when there was work to do.
<BR> Steve Hicks
<BR> Steve Hicks</FONT></HTML>