<html><div style='background-color:'><P>Dear All,</P>
<P>I am writiing a paper for my Phonetics Second Language Acquistion class. The topic I have chosen is Ventrilliquism. Although it has nothing to do with SLA, I am investigating substitutions used in ventrilliquism. Anyone have any thoughts on ventrilliquists? The sources are rare but I am finding them online. </P>
<P>Some ventrilliquists use different dialects i.e. Spanish dialect and an Irish Dialect along with their regular NAE dialect, interchanging them to make different characters. Some characters are old and some are young. Semina DeLaurentis starred in the Broadway show "Nunsense". Her character was Sr. Amnesia (couldn't remember her name) and she had a puppet to help her with her memory loss. Semina switches back and forth to the puppet while sinngnig opera. There are still others that drink water while the puppet is speaking. How do they do this? </P>
<P>I know there are several Jornals on bidialectal in different communities around the world. Any thourhts on bidialectal with ventrilliquists? </P>
<P>Ray Villegas<BR>Arizona State University<BR><BR></P>
<P>"Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife." --Kahlil Gibran</P>
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