I do not see the following in the Yale Book of Quotations, nor in a
couple of Oxford books of quotations. There are variants (although
these too are not, I think, in the YBQ), but this quote specifically has
friends and not friends.<br><br>
"... those that are my Friends I <i>laugh with</i>, and those that
are not I l<i>augh at</i>".<br><br>
Alexander Pope to Mr. C . . . [Henry Cromwell], December 30, 1710.
In <i>Letters of Mr Pope, and Several Eminent Persons, From the Year
1705, to 1735.</i> London: Printed for T. Cooper, 1735. [Via
Google Books.]<br><br>
This letter was probably also published in 1726/7, in vol. 1 of the
following:<x-tab> </x-tab><br>
Alexander Pope. <i>Miscellanea. In two</i> [i.e., five] <i>volumes.
Never before published : Viz. I. Familiar letters written to Henry
Cromwell Esq; by Mr. Pope. II. Occasional poems by Mr. Pope, Mr.
Cromwell, Dean Swift, &c. III. Letters from Mr. Dryden, to a lady, in
the year 1699</i>. London : Printed [for E. Curll], 1727
(A side note: this was at a time when laughing itself was held in
disrepute by some.)<br><br>
The American Dialect Society - http://www.americandialect.org