Facebook group

Margaret Noori mnoori at UMICH.EDU
Mon Aug 26 15:17:55 UTC 2013

Hi Monica -

Can you change my email address on algonquiana at listserv.linguistlist.org
from mnoori at umich.edu
to noodin at uwm.edu

I'm in Wisconsin now : )


On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:31 PM, Monica Macaulay <mmacaula at wisc.edu> wrote:

> Last year at the Algonquian Conference we talked about making a Facebook
> group for the conference - well, I finally did it.  I think this URL should
> get you to it:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1380248545538399/
> If not, just search for Algonquian Conference.
> I'm a novice at this, so if there are any problems, let me know.
> See you (at least some of you!) in October!
> - Monica


Margaret Noodin

Director, Comprehensive Studies Program

University of Michigan

1111 Angell Hall

435 S. State St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003


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