<TITLE>Re: Information for promotion of Papers of the Algonquian Conference</TITLE>
<FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Hi,<BR>
You could add to the lists:<BR>
1. CASCA (Canadian Anthropology Society/Société canadienne d’anthropologie): <a href="http://www.cas-sca.ca/casca/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en">http://www.cas-sca.ca/casca/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1&lang=en</a><BR>
2. Anthropologica<BR>
- Cahiers du CIÉRA: <a href="http://www.ciera.ulaval.ca/publications/cahiersCiera.htm">http://www.ciera.ulaval.ca/publications/cahiersCiera.htm</a><BR>
- Anthropologie et sociétés: <a href="http://www.ant.ulaval.ca/anthropologieetsocietes/">http://www.ant.ulaval.ca/anthropologieetsocietes/</a><BR>
- Canadian Journal of Native Education<BR>
3. CIÉRA: Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones <a href="http://www.ciera.ulaval.ca/index.htm">http://www.ciera.ulaval.ca/index.htm</a><BR>
- DIALOG (Réseau de recherche et de connaissances relatives aux peuples autochtones): <a href="http://www.reseaudialog.ca/fr/reseau-dialog/">http://www.reseaudialog.ca/fr/reseau-dialog/</a><BR>
4. The Algonquin Way Cultural Centre: <a href="http://www.thealgonquinway.ca/">http://www.thealgonquinway.ca/</a><BR>
The Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Cultural Centre: <a href="http://kzadmin.com/Cultural.aspx">http://kzadmin.com/Cultural.aspx</a><BR>
Le musée amérindien de Mashteuiatsh: <a href="http://www.museeilnu.ca/">http://www.museeilnu.ca/</a><BR>
-- <BR>
Dr Marie-Pierre Bousquet<BR>
Professeure agrégée/Associate professor<BR>
Département d'anthropologie<BR>
Université de Montréal<BR>
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-ville<BR>
Montréal (Qc) H3C 3J7<BR>
Tel: 514-343-2152<BR>
<a href="marie-pierre.bousquet@umontreal.ca">marie-pierre.bousquet@umontreal.ca</a><BR>
Le 11-11-16 19:03, « Algonquian Papers » <<a href="algonquianpapers@GMAIL.COM">algonquianpapers@GMAIL.COM</a>> a écrit :<BR>
</SPAN></FONT><BLOCKQUOTE><FONT FACE="Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:11pt'>Greetings to you all. As part of the publication of upcoming Papers of the Algonquian Conference (PAC) volumes, SUNY Press would like to promote the volumes as extensively as possible. To that end, we want to compile lists of conferences, journals, list serves and institutions where announcements might be sent. We are compiling several distinct lists: <BR>
1. a list of academic conferences where the PAC might be displayed.<BR>
2. a list of academic or professional journals to which a book announcement of the PAC can be sent.<BR>
3. any academic or professional listserves that the PAC can be announced on.<BR>
4. any groups or institutions that we can send an announcement to, especially aboriginal institutions.<BR>
We have set up a webpage on our PAC website to keep a running list of which such venues/outlets are currently recognized, here:<BR>
<a href="http://vanhise.lss.wisc.edu/algonquian/?q=node/49">http://vanhise.lss.wisc.edu/algonquian/?q=node/49</a><BR>
Please check that page and let us know of any source that we should add in any of these categories, by emailing us suggestions at <a href="algonquianpapers@gmail.com">algonquianpapers@gmail.com</a>.<BR>
Thank you.<BR>
Rand Valentine<BR>
Monica Macaulay<BR>
Bryan Rosen<BR>
Papers of the Algonquian Conference<BR>
University of Wisconsin-Madison<BR>