
John Lynch lynch_j at VANUATU.USP.AC.FJ
Tue Aug 31 21:09:32 UTC 1999

>>From Pacific Islands Report:  http://pidp.ewc.hawaii.edu/pireport/
PAPE'ETE, French Polynesia (August 30, 1999 - PINA Nius Online)---An
updated version of a Tahitian-French dictionary, including such new
words as "computer," was released last week, RFO-radio reports.
The new version was formally introduced by members of the Tahitian
Academy to the French Polynesian Cabinet.
"This dictionary follows the earlier ones from, for instance, the London
Missionary Society. It contains the whole vocabulary from Tahitian into
French. All words are illustrated by examples and pronunciation
guidelines," Academy member Heidi Yen Kow explained.
"Some new terms have also appeared, like 'computer.' Obviously the old
ones didn't have a word for this. So the Academy has validated Reo Mahoi
word 'rorouira,' which literally means 'electric brain'," she said.
It took the Academy ten years to complete revisions to the previous
edition of the dictionary.
"It's getting more and more difficult to find people who speak perfect
Tahitian," Yen Kow deplores.
"Through this dictionary, we hope we'll reach the younger generations
who, we think, now have a growing interest in their language".
The Tahitian-French dictionary is expected to be followed by a
French-Tahitian equivalent, the Academy announced.


John Lynch
Pro-Vice Chancellor, Emalus Campus
University of the South Pacific
PMB 072
Port Vila. VANUATU.

Phone:	+ (678) 22748
Fax:	+ (678) 22633
Email:	lynch_j at vanuatu.usp.ac.fj

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