la vie n'est pas un artichaut (then, is it a turnip?:-) (fwd)

Kenneth Allen Hyde kenny at UDel.Edu
Wed Feb 23 04:05:43 UTC 2000

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Waruno Mahdi wrote:

> You might want to contact David Gil <gil at> who's however on
> an extended world tour till sometime in March, but checking his email in
> regular intervals.

You might also want to try contacting Peter Cole <pcole at> or
Gabriella Hermon <gaby at> from University of Delaware.  They both
work on BI and Malay in the P&P framework.  For that matter, my
dissertation, which I'm working on right now, is partially about BI and
it's framed in the MP of the P&P model.

Kenneth Allen Hyde     |  No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife
Univ. of Delaware      |  between the shoulder blades will seriously
Dept. of Linguistics   |  cramp his style  -- Old Jhereg proverb
kenny at Udel.Edu         |  A mind is a terrible toy to waste! -- Me


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