John Lynch lynch_j at VANUATU.USP.AC.FJ
Thu Feb 6 01:52:20 UTC 2003

Those who were at the 5th International Conference on Oceanic Linguistics in
Canberra about a year ago will recall that the suggested venue and time for
the next conference, COOL6, was Nouméa, New Caledonia, in mid-2004.

Despite the best efforts of Claire Moyse-Faurie to interest local personnel
in New Caledonia to assist with organising the conference, this proved
unsuccessful, and Nouméa as a venue will have to be abandoned, at least at
this stage.

The suggested alternate venue was the Hilo Campus of the University of
Hawai'i. I have discussed this possibility with Pila Wilson, who has agreed
to look after the organisation, and to host COOL6 some time in early July
2004 - dates to be confirmed.

Future communications on COOL6 will thus come from Pila.

John Lynch
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