Post-doctoral fellowships at Monash University

John Bowden John.Bowden at
Fri Mar 7 04:43:25 UTC 2003

This message is posted on behalf of Anna Margetts at Monash University:
please email her  for more information (Anna.Margetts at

Monash University
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Post-doctoral Fellowship

The School will appoint a Post-doctoral Fellow to conduct an excellent
research project relevant to one or more of its disciplines (Asian,
Chinese, Classical, European, French, German, Hispanic, Indonesian,
Italian, Japanese, Korean and Slavic Studies, as well as Linguistics).
Proposals addressing the School's established or developing research
areas or projects (Language and Society, Modern European Studies,
Socio-Cultural Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, Communicative
Construction of Cultural Identity, Cultural Flows in and with Asia,
Language Learning and Technology, Second Language Acquisition) will be
especially welcome.

During the tenure of the Fellowship the successful applicant will
prepare a completed Ph.D. dissertation for publication as a book or
write for publication in refereed outlets no fewer than three articles
or chapters.

Duration: 12 months, commencing at a date in 2003 as agreed between the
School and the successful applicant.

Stipend: AUD 30,000.

Persons with a conferred Ph.D., or who have fulfilled all requirements
of the Ph.D., are eligible to apply.

CVs, proposals (project title; 100-word summary; project description in
no more than 1500 words; promised outcomes) and contact details of three
referees by 17 April 2003 to:

Associate Professor Marko Pavlyshyn, Research Co-ordinator
School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics
Building 11
Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia
Inquiries: research.lcl at

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