query: associative plurals via noun-verb disagreement

David Gil gil at EVA.MPG.DE
Thu Nov 13 18:22:08 UTC 2008

Dear fellow Austronesianists,

I am interested in the cross-linguistic distribution of a construction 
type in which an associative plural meaning, eg. 'John and his 
associates', results from a singular noun triggering plural number 
agreement on the verb, as illustrated in the following examples from 
Roon (a SHWNG language spoken in the Cenderawasih bay of New Guinea):

(1) Amos-i i-berif
    Amos-PERS 3SG:ANIM-laugh
    'Amos is laughing'

(2) Amos-i su-berif
    Amos-PERS 3DU:ANIM-laugh
    'Amos and his friend are laughing'

(3) Amos-i si-berif
    Amos-PERS 3PL:ANIM-laugh
    'Amos and his friends are laughing'

Example (1) shows ordinary agreement, with a singular subject triggering 
singular verb agreement.  However, examples (2) and (3) illustrate how 
an associative plural interpretation is derived via disagreement, with 
the still-singular subject occurring in construction with dual- and 
plural-subject marked verbs respectively.  We might therefore call the 
construction in (2) and (3) an Associative Plural via Disagreement, or 

My question is: how common is this ASPD construction in the languages of 
the world?  I would be very grateful for examples of other languages, 
Austronesian or otherwise, that have ASPDs.  I would also appreciate any 
pointers to discussion of this construction in the literature.  At 
present I am familiar with just two:  Grev Corbett's 2000 book on 
Number, where he cites similar examples from Haruai (Papuan), Maltese, 
and the Talitsk dialect of Russian, and Daniel and Moravcsik's chapter 
on associative plurals in the World Atlas of Language Structures, where 
they cite Plains Cree as having a similar construction.

A major challenge in typology is to collect negative data, ie. reliable 
reports that a certain language lacks a particular construction (as 
opposed to it simply not being mentioned in a couple of grammar books).  
Thus, I would also greatly appreciate definitive reports that 
such-and-such a language does *not* have ASPDs.  (Whereas for languages 
with no verbal number agreement, the absence of ASPDs is a logical 
necessity, for languages with verbal number agreement, the absence of 
ASPDs becomes a substantive and interesting fact about the language.)  
For starters, English, even though it has verbal number agreement, lacks 
an ASPD: you can't say *'John are laughing' to mean 'John and his 
friends are laughing', as in (3) above. The same is true also for 
Tagalog, with its optional plural number marking on the verb in the 
actor-topic voice.  So if the language(s) you are familiar with have 
verbal number agreement but lack an ASPD, please let me know too!

Thanks and best wishes,


David Gil

Department of Linguistics
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany

Telephone: 49-341-3550321 Fax: 49-341-3550119
Email: gil at eva.mpg.de
Webpage:  http://www.eva.mpg.de/~gil/

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