Oceanic Linguistics

Bill Palmer Bill.Palmer at NEWCASTLE.EDU.AU
Thu Jul 19 23:21:49 UTC 2012

Hi all

I agree with Laura. I've been thinking about this for some time, especially since the existing 2 annual vols have become so thick, and have been thinking for a while that it might be helpful if OL could go to three issues a year. Obviously this will mean more work, and I apologise for suggesting that.


Dr Bill Palmer
Deputy Head of School - Research
School of Humanities and Social Science
Convenor, Endangered Languages Documentation,
    Theory and Application Research Group
Linguistics Research Higher Degree/Honours coordinator
University of Newcastle
Callaghan NSW 2308
email bill.palmer at newcastle.edu.au
>>> Laura Robinson <lcrobinson1 at gmail.com> 20/07/12 5:40 AM >>>
Dear John & the Austronesian community,

Is it possible to an additional issue of Oceanic Linguistics, so that it is
published 3 times per year instead of 2?

Thanks for all your hard work as editor!

Laura C. Robinson
Postdoctoral Researcher
Linguistics Program
University of Alaska Fairbanks

On Sat, Jul 14, 2012 at 1:43 AM, Malcolm Ross <malcolm.ross at me.com> wrote:

> It has been the policy of *Oceanic Linguistics* to publish papers in a
> timely fashion, and until now, the volume of papers received has pretty
> much matched the speed of their publication. Thus, a paper whose final
> revised manuscript was submitted in February or March would usually make it
> into the following June issue the same year, and one submitted in August or
> September would usually be published in the following December issue.
> We have come to a stage now, though, where supply is ever-increasing. The
> situation at present is that, in the middle of July, the December issue is
> getting quite full. In addition, there are at least eight papers currently
> undergoing revision, and at least six more currently under review. Although
> we can probably expand the size of the published journal somewhat,
> nevertheless many of those papers, even if submitted now, would probably
> have to wait until at least the June 2013 issue to see the light of day.
>  This is encouraging from the point of view of increasing interest in the
> field, but not so encouraging in terms of rapid turnaround.
> I am thus advising members of the Austronesianist community that we may no
> longer be able to publish all papers within a few months of their
> acceptance, and that rather longer delays are likely.
> --
> John Lynch, FAHA
> Emeritus Professor of Pacific Languages, and Editor "Oceanic Linguistics"
> University of the South Pacific
> PMB 9072
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